

Thick Cocoa Oil

Cold-pressed, extra virgin oil, helpful for immune system support, inflammation resistance, cardiac stimulation and skeletal system strengthening.

250g / $25

Rich Sesame Seed Oil

Extra virgin unpurified oil. A drizzle of sesame seed oil makes every salad, meat or poultry dish more flavorful and piquant. Abundance of micro-elements, vitamins and nutrients nourish joints, bones and skin covering.

250g / $35

Peanut Diet Oil

The oil is rich with valuable micro-elements, as iodine, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zink and cobalt. Peanut oil is known for its useful qualities: weight loss, metabolism and muscular tone stimulation.

250g / $38

Flax Eco Oil

The product was developed for weigh loss stimulation through recovery of a deformed or distended stomach. It can become a great addition to any salad or a hot dish due to neutral taste and light texture.

250g / $25

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Regular pumpkin oil consumption has a great impact on hair and nails structure, improves complexion and activates muscular development. Strong oil flavor adds a spicy tint to any vegetarian hot dish or salad.

250g / $27

Cedar Zest Oil

A cedar nut nutrition value exceeds most of nut oils. Besides culinary qualities, it is widely used for cosmetic procedures: facial masks, skin moisturizing and hair repair.

250g / $29

Mustard Germ Oil

The oil is rich with phytoncids, phytosterols, glycosides and chlorophyll. This complex allows to improve health condition inside and out. It is used in vegetable stews, soups, marinades and meat dishes.

250g / $15