How to Create A Show Stopper Signboard?

There are many ways in which businesses advertise and market their business and products, be it on your Facebook newsfeed in the form of a sponsored ad on the radio while you drive to work or on the side of the road on a big billboard. The point is there are many ways businesses can advertise to try and get customers through the door, however studies have shown that what draws customers into a business is usually their signage, specifically their sign board Dubai.

With so many different businesses in city hubs such as Dubai, companies need to put in a lot of effort to ensure their business and their signboard gets noticed in a place such as Dubai. You may be wondering how one creates a show stopping sign board that is guaranteed to get the consumer's attention. Fear not we have done our research and spoken to experts to bring you some tips on how to create a sign board that is assured to get noticed and consumers in the door.

Choose the Right Color

Color is one of the most important things when it comes to creating great signage, but also what we relate first to a brand. The psychology of color should always be considered when designing marketing material. Stick to bold bright colors that we are immediately drawn to and can make associations with. Think of Coca Cola and their classic red and white.

Choose the Right Color

Contrast font

Once you have picked out the color you want your brand to be associated with, the time has come to choose a font that is easily read and a color in which your font is printed. Contrast colors make it easier for consumers to read the messages you are trying to convey.

Be Concise

On the note above, be sure to keep your message simple, but powerful. No one really wants to stand for five minutes reading what could have been conveyed in a few simple words. Also be sure to keep your message personalized to the consumer, use the words "you" or "yours".

Size Matters

This applies to both the sign itself and the font and images you decide to use. You want to ensure that consumers can read the sign clearly from their car or at least a few feet away without having to strain their eyes.

Design the Best Signboard

Images and other graphics

Images and graphics like borders around text are very useful in conveying the business message quickly and efficiently as they help to focus the eye. However, ensure that the quality of the images and graphics are suitable to the size of your sign - grainy images do not convey a positive message to consumers.

Those are some of our best tips to help you design the best sign board possible to get your business noticed and get feet through the door in no time!