Being Thankful And Happy: Secret Of Staying Young In Old Age

It does not matter how old are you but it is always very difficult to cope with a change. The seniors of the society face a great challenge when they have to encounter a number of changes that have started to occur to their minds, soul and body. These changes may also include their children who start to move on their respective paths, the loss of parents and loved ones, decline of career, decreasing health etc. It is natural to feel depressed and it’s difficult to stay fit and healthy in such a situation. Even the noise and colors of a big city like Abu Dhabi cannot give happiness to these citizens and hence they run to AbuDhabi clinics and hospitals to gain some relief.

According to a research, it is now an established fact that if you stay physically fine and active, you will be quite successful in preventing or delaying certain diseases including, diabetes, hypertension, some type of cancers, heart diseases and also improve depression and relieve your mood. Lesser activity is sometimes associated with increasing age but it should be the case. Set your walking programs in your streets, shopping malls, parks or any place you find suitable. If you live and eat alone, your eating habits along with your exercising pattern are not as good as they should be. Be social and try to make friends. If you want your old age to be dynamic and successful, you should eat right and escape the empty calories in artificial sweets and candies.

The most important factor to avoid is stress. Stress can adversely affect your health and the quality of your life at any age- but the effect is more when you are entered in old age. According to a study, stress is the biggest factor for the decrease in health of the senior citizens. The main reasons of stress in adults are will there be enough money for me when I retire? Will my children leave me alone in old age? And what will happen if some serious disease strikes me in the old age?

As you become older, there is a great possibility that you will experience trauma of emotions which is associated with loss- the loss of parents, friends, family, health and independence. For most of the adults, it is quite difficult to bear these losses along with the pain of loneliness and the stress of financial problems.

Try to be thankful for the things you have and don’t take anything for granted. Try to enjoy your life by making new friends- doing friendship with those in the same condition as you. Admit your feelings with them; write in a diary about your days every day. Try to talk with God- this will give you immense relaxation and comfort. Try to accept the changes and that everything is not in your control.

Senior adults are at greater risk of depression. So if you feel alone, try to pass your time with your loved ones. Try to be happy and keep others happy. And if you encounter any disease, don’t worry even about that. KCH clinics are always there to keep your health at its finest. They provide their services with the help of specialized consultants who are experts in their respective fields to give you excellent treatments and comfort